
Reading the Bible with Martin Luther: An Introductory Guide is unavailable, but you can change that!

Prominent Reformation historian Timothy Wengert introduces the basic components of Martin Luther’s theology of the Bible and examines Luther’s contributions to present-day biblical interpretation. Wengert addresses key points of debate regarding Luther’s approach to the Bible that have often been misunderstood, including biblical authority, the distinction between law and Gospel, the theology of...

concept into his own theology, except that he made the third use the chief use and defined it as the special guide for Christians, which included laws not revealed to other human beings.20 Usually, when Lutherans now demand a third use of the law, what they want is Calvin’s approach. For Melanchthon and later Lutherans, however, the third use of the law was simply the first and second use applied to Christians.21 Believers are at the same time saint and sinner, believer and unbeliever, and thus they
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